Hello from Montana! Last week, I was sent on a last-minute trip to visit some dear friends, and things have finally settled down enough for me to pause and post :) I've been taking pictures like mad, and within 4 days of arriving, I had already taken 500 shots! During that time, I spent time in 4 cities, went on 2 long walks, got lassoed into taking pictures of not one but two graduations, played softball, got injured (do those two always go together??), and ate way too many protein bars.
Ah, life. :)
I hope you enjoy a sampling of my 500 pictures :) Don't forget, you can zoom in!
Newlyweds (and newly pregnant!) Aaron and Sarah...
A walk with Kaitlin...
Lilacs...be still my heart :)
A girl next door caught a hummingbird in her house! Isn't it amazing?
Annika's graduation!
After Anni's graduation, I took pictures of the graduates with their families in an amazing setting--one of the ladies in the church owned all this awesome photography equipment, and I just set up my camera and went to town :) Here, my chief assistant Rebecca poses so I can get my settings right.
Annika and Tivoli!
Anni and I, laughing as usual :)
All the girls. 4 homegrown Angles and 2 adopted ones :)
We had some shocking news in the photography alcove...
Rebecca and Jameson...
To my family and friends, I miss you much!
Love from Montana to wherever you are,